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Real Culprits of Climate Change (11-2021)

Nikunja Sodagar

Who are real culprit of climate change? Many discussions, forums and national and international meetings going on climate change. Hundreds and thousands of suggestions given and many speaker and public figures spread fake knowledge and expertise on this subjects and blaming industrialization, population growth and many more things. Spit in air by using heavy words like reuse, recycle, renewable energy, green technology, eco-friendly many more.

Real cause of climate change is life style of developed and developing country. All developed country blaming each other, developing country and undeveloped country. Make rules, regulation and pass resolutions. But what happen in last few year despite off all this? Nothing. So called environmentalist ever think about their life style what they eat what they wear how they travel, how they live? No.

There is one proverb “Charity begins from home”

They need to focus on some of the basic ideas to reduce pace of climate change.

No one is ready to change life style of their citizen because if they do this politician loss their voters.

Why any government force to use public transport? Why any government made some strict rules for electricity consumption or force public to use green energy? Why government not making policy for cut off use of fossil fuels for generation of electricity? Why government force or motivate to reduce water consumption?

Recycling of any natural resource consume energy so it is not good idea. Good idea is reducing or efficient use of any resource.

Some of life style change slow down climate change effect.

1. Use of public transport or vehicle like bicycles, electric vehicle which charge with solar energy if not so in that case it require electric city from electric grid which linked with power station which use fossil fuel. This will reduce pollution generates by vehicles, auto mobile industry, petroleum industries.

2. Use of organic food, which reduce use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides and it has direct impact on environment. It reduce pollution in land , water and air. It helps to maintain bi diversity of eco system. It reduce disease health problem directly reduce use of medicines which will again reduce pollution generates by pharma, fertilizer and pesticide industries.

3. Paperless offices.

4. Make house and building energy efficient use of solar energy. Make every house solar house.

5. Control on ground water consumption.

6. Use of natural hand-made cloths and items, it will again generate employment. Now I do not need to explain how it impact environment.

In ancient India ancestor use Vastu Shastra for constructing house it is nothing but use of wind direction sunlight direction so house require minimum energy for lighting and fresh air also temperature maintain in side building but some disingenuous people link it with religion. It is science of balancing of natural energy in side building to make people healthy living inside. How they link with prosperity? Very simple they if person living inside such house remains healthy does need to spend more on health, health insurance, stay fit.

In short industrialization and globalization which is concept of western country made big adverse impact on environment. You can make self-reliable, or self-sustainable small towns or locality which may reduce transportations, reduce load on local eco systems and same time reduce migration for jobs. Reduce highly dance locality again it reduce load on local eco system improve health, load on natural resources in particular area.

Effect of this idea it will reduce transportation, directly impact on auto mobile and petroleum industry, on health industry, reduce unemployment, economical unbalance in society.

I am not saying this will solve your problem hundred person and overnight. I gave some examples and small change has long lasting effect on society and economy.

So, I think real culprit is government who promote industrialization, urbanization and public who do not want to change their life style.

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