google-site-verification=gJuEyuCNZnrUWCaWvifBBcV8eWpthCRVcLaTg89iWJ0 Is Corona - Covide-19 real threat to human kind ?
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  • Nikunja Sodagar

Is Corona - Covide-19 real threat to human kind ?

In last four month every news channel and media flooded with corona or Covid-19 threat , mortality due to Corona. Some media declare conspiracy of China so.....

Media talk lot talk about vaccine , medicine , sanitation etc.. keep maintain cleanliness Social distancing etc...

But point missing in all this noise is reduction of immunity of human race. no one talking about immunity of human.

Over the period immunity of human race is decline due to many things like over use of sanitizer, preservative, change in life style etc.

In last few decade human kind move away from nature for example the y start construct houses from artificial building material, they start making cloths from artificial thread in stead of natural cotton, wool, they start in artificial environment like cooler,fan air conditioner, they start chemically preserved food, all this things have reduce human capacity to adjust his body to environment, nature, Human race make effort to change living environment instead of adjusting his body to environment.

They forget, the heavy use of preservative as especially artificial chemical make their food poisonous and may kill them selves. For cleanliness purpose they stated use of strong germicide, strong pesticides in large scale. Now traces of same found in fruits, water, milk etc. This chemicals enter in human body and harm body cells as well as immune system of body. In such case it is become very easy to attack by germs. Second angle of weekend immune system is human reduce exposure to nature during childhood. In past children play in ground , river, lake even in mud farms etc places their body expose to various natural conditions also various microorganisms and develop immunity in body naturally . i those days parents never ask children no , it si dirty, wash your hand , tak bathe every time you come fro playground etc, Now, day every one keeping gloves, hand sanitizer in pocket , clean their hand now and then. Here, I am not asking to not to maintain cleanliness. Just not to over do.

On other hand , industrialization increase air, water and soil pollution this also a factor.

I bat after few yeas again some biological disaster will take place.

In last 10 year we face 3 pandemic


I suggest few steps to increase immunity;

1) do not use chemical pesticide, use natural organic pesticide

2) Do not use sanitizer heavily , It is sufficient to wash, hand with clean driking water frequently

3) Take one or two bath with natural soap of cleaning agent

4) Consume sufficient veg and fruit if possible organic fruit and veg more inevitable. Not available use after clean with water or salt water or ozone water.

5) Do ample amount of physical activity in open area, farm terrace, garden etc.

6) Avoid exercise , yog etc in gym

7) If you living place in nearby industrial area within 10 to 15 kms then avoid early morning exercise or evening exercise because during this period fog or smog settle in surrounding area and in this case it may damage your health specially lungs.

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