In world today it is fashion to make statements , write blogs about environment, arrange conferences and seminars about environment . My question Is we have done real work for protect earth and its environment?
I think no. we had not. We make world conference, seminar and big statements.
In reality sponsor industries and developed nations of such events are the real culprit.
Real reasons behind the environmental issues is modern lifestyle of developed country whether it is personal or social life style.
You can see around you causes or sources of pollution in your day to day life like, cars, mobile , electronic gadgets fast food chains etc many thing.
In modern and stylish language I can see our daily routine creates larger carbon foot print than past.
Mht. Gandhi ask to live simple life and he asked to develop cottage industries.and put stress on using manpower and animal power more and more instead of modern machines. I think his veiw to use natural renewable resources.
Classic example of
miss guided concept of "eco-friendly" is eco-friendly and low pollution generating technology, battery operated vehicles. most of us think it has low pollution, but it is more dangerous than any other fossil fuels, because for recharging of battery we use electicity which mostly comes from thermal of atomic power plant , we have increase on step of energy transmission as we know loss of energy at every stage you cannot transfer or convert 100 % energy.
Second example of large dams on river I think it is hardly useful for irrigation. yes you can take proud of large concrete structure but you evaluate investment in term of money and natural resources against risk you will find medium and small lake irrigation network is more effective and less costly and have low environmental impact.
Here, I have put my idea for restart thinking over environmental managment